i finally finished this for . those damn heteros

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when everyone else in the room is heterosexual

1 14

i love them and all their lack of heterosexuality

2 3

Heterosexual Chinese women are finding escapism in illegal homoerotic fiction https://t.co/DlKzz3wUPk

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heteros? with my nya? more likely than u think

gross fluff pic bc this weekend/some of today has been DANK af

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how was the full moon? Did u make a wish? Give u a drop heterosexuality :-D

1 1

thought about nsfw twitter but fuck u guys Witness my Heterosexuals

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gay community's played a lot of mean tricks on heterosexuals (cf films) but my fave: BIKER MICE FROM MARS.

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[ draws self as per norm & heterosexualizes ]

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the skeletons of a beautiful (and heterosexual - notice the delicate titty bones) couple who perished due to The Homo

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another breathtakingly heterosexual moment, brought to you by K:

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