When Blackbeard was still a pirate on Whitebeard's ship he looked almost homeless. Blackbeard's drive and ambition to be the best is one of the best plotlines in One Piece.

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Dlawso the Rabbit.

He’s basically just someone who wants to get along with everyone. Was homeless as a kid until the war broke out, and then met Mina Mongoose, who forever changed his life. Also a magician as a side venture.

(Art by @/Opalicfallalpha and @/JovialNightz)

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- "Metro caverns" - The obsolete railway system is a hovel for the homeless in PARIS 2119, by and Dominique Bertail, in stores this week from ! https://t.co/9aq2kyi51v

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✨AntiChristmas Collection✨- Proceeds from sales will be donated to , a charity supporting LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment.

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The only thing I could find in January was a comic page, and May was the month I was homeless and working on commissions so it’s definitely a solid piece even compared to now, but Bellossom was meant to be a warm up after all so overall I’d say I’ve improved!

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Post a pic of your favorite drawing and a selfie of yourself

I'm looking more and more like a homeless person https://t.co/B6qx7EQDen

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Homeless Akiyama comes to & Kiwami. Show them thugs in '88 or 2005 what those homeless skills have taught you. Credits to геннадий викторович. Note that there may be some bugs sometimes. Find it on our discord either way though.

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homeless.. old ... man ...

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Ryu is homeless, but he spent his entire savings to get you a cup cake.

Happy Birthday Delz~ 🧁

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Puerto Rican and founder of .

Went from homeless to making video games that I love!

Creator of and

Hard work and dedication are two of the most important things in life that drive me forward.

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So for those who don't know I have an FTO Oc so I did a meme format with some back story. The first panel is one of his first nights after he lost his parents. He was homeless and stayed in Atlantide's streets.the second is when he was 15. He became Blaze A dark wizard to survive

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Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

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When it gets dark why not play a story telling game. This works best played with other people. Gather up some objects from your house and put them in a bag, pick them out one at a time and tell a story using the objects.

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I’m contributing 2 pieces of my work to the first-ever online auction & donating 100% of the winning bid to Please register to bid & help the homeless & disadvantaged this Christmas https://t.co/dl8dTBUbsO

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'The Long Table'

Proposed long term solution in addressing Homelessness issue in Kuala Lumpur.

Design Brief : Kuala Lumpur Homeless and Urban Poor Centre
Core Program : Food Bank

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35. Promise Cinderella - Oreco Tachibana. Sparks fly as two ( women who became homeless after divorce and cocky rich high school boy ) worlds collide in this unlikely Cinderella story. Been fan of her works since she used to do Gintama FA 😌 Love how she draws Issei (main boy) 🥰

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I draw a picture of Pino, the cat of my roommate who came in my house for one week some time ago bcs he was homeless ✨❤️

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