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Good Afternoon NFT and twitter fam, I am so close to 3k followers I can taste the beer. Want to see push me over the top on this Caturday eve. Will follow everyone back, the team over says Gang Gang to all the new members

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Happy Caturday https://t.co/w9ctoKGEel I'm back to doing Cat Commissions for Caturday, because who else but a cat checks if there is fish to catch in the toilet bowl, and how could we let moments like that pass unrecorded?

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Here some redesing for the comics i was making a year ago and also introducing my kitty, Kelsier.

Also I tried a new and simpler art style

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Transform yourself and you transform others!
What my says to me March 19 - Raise your cup, raise yourself, raise others in PURRfect love!

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Ce du est dédié à ma chère marraine qui nous a quitté bien rapidement mais si sereinement, dans la nuit de jeudi passé. ⭐️🌟💛
This is dedicated to my dear godmother who left us very quickly but so serenely, last Thursday night.⭐️🌟💛

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Happy Caturday everyone! Been building a set under the radar and just finished my first last night (but we’re just getting started baby). My rat took a pic in front of the wrong background, so my dog had to teach him a lesson 😬

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Thanks Pink and Happy 😻🎨❣️

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I d like to FOLLOW all the New Gangers!
Let's make this 10 ETH Caturday the noisest ever

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What are you doing to celebrate the 10 ETH milestone for the this fine Caturday?

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My first attempt in frame by frame 🐈‍⬛

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Also scooped another dog last night cuz $gang
Building that 2nd set. The black eyes is my favorite trait. Very bullish. Happy nerds. 🚀

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Happy $gang I love the community has built and we are going getting stronger.

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its cowboy CATURDAY!!! time to play more red dead 2 as we burn everything to the ground heheh
link to stream below~

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