@Italibaso *Starlight is unexpectedly hit with a large snowball that buries her completely*
Rainbow Dash: Gotcha XD
El 2020 ha sido un año difícil pero Pokémon ha seguido estando ahí para llevarnos a su maravilloso mundo como siempre 🤩
Quiero destacar de este año los DLC, que han mejorado bastante el universo de Pokémon Espada y Escudo, y el vídeo musical Gotcha!, que me pone sentimental.
@Delta_Leporis GOTCHA, now go to bed so you don’t wake up too sleepy, mwah❤️
@Sassquatch_H Ooooh yellow clothing, gotcha xD
Not yellow, but at least somewhat comfy
With family and bored? Bored without family with your earbuds or headphones on trying to keep yourself sane? This girl in recovery gotcha IM PUTTING MYSELF IN THE LINE OF DUTY to keep YOU going with some chill apex maybe OW! https://t.co/eQI3nwUZZQ
@shurukus OKAY IN YOUR DEFENSE, HES BAAAAARELY DARKER. He's always cited as one gotcha of "they don't have the same skin on all of them" but he's just Barely, just a smidgen, darker than the others! His colors on the keychain are wonky so it's just more exaggerated I guess