'There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain'

Georges Braque

Georges Braque, Selene, 1923

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Composition VIII (Vassily Kandinsky, 1923)


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◆오이카와 모모스케
◇서로 느끼는 이심전심

▷카드 번호
No. 1922 / 1923

▷카드 등급


핀치로 COOL 업(1.7배)

▷그룹 스킬
COOL 아이콘의 스코어 상승(3.5배)

5 8

Another commission for Ganga Library Washington D.C. Frederick G. Banting, Nobel Prize Laureate for Medicine 1923- Painted by Tim Tompkins from https://t.co/XtknSQmeyS. https://t.co/0suQzQtPbN

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いつ… https://t.co/i09Q3w4lYZ

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Anna Pavlova” by John Lavery (Scottish), about 1910-11, retouched 1923, genre: Glasgow Boys, Impressionism

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1923 Drifting - Harrison Fisher, American illustrator

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ちゃんとはかせてあげてくださいませんか https://t.co/Rf32kAjaDs  wwwwwwこのお題めっちゃ好きで小1時間程笑ってましたwwwのどちゃんにちゃんとはいてもらいました!!

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Composition 8 ( Komposition 8 ) - Vasily Kandinsky, 1923

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Wassily Kandinsky – Composition VIII, 1923

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♪( ´▽`)5月26日はル・マンの日。1923年、ル・マン24時間耐久レースの第1回大会が開催された日。フランスのル・マンという地の公道で、自動車とバイクが24時間もレースするんです!過酷!でもルマンドを食べ続けるなら美味しいからいけるかも?

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During a scene in the movie "Goodfellas", appears an image of the historic classic heavyweight title fight, between Luis Firpo & Jack Dempsey - 14/09/1923.

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>すこやんちゃんさんとはどんなご関係で…!? https://t.co/H0UEyjwADc  ご想像におまかせします

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Britton & Rose’s "The Cactaceae" (1919-1923) is an early definitive taxonomic work on the family Cactaceae. It features stunning by artist Mary Emily Eaton. Explore the work in via NYBG: https://t.co/YI3ODY5TRB

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Max Liebermann, Flower Terrace, Wannsee Garden to the East 1923

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>ハーlトキャlッチプlリキlュlアのつぼみとえりかがちゅーしてて2人とも照れてる感じの絵をお願い致します!!m(*_ _)m https://t.co/j6B5oSoPZy 🤔🙏

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Artist of the Russian Constructivist movement. Varvara Stepanova, Circle Point-Teal and Orange, 1923

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Today is the last day of Journeys with 'The Waste Land'! The gallery closes at 5pm.

Find out about our upcoming exhibitions here: https://t.co/kU5dni4O5f https://t.co/DWJUeYMwBZ

The Shore, 1923 (oil on canvas), Nash, Paul (1889-1946)

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Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida (1863-1923) " Les nageurs, Javea."

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And while I'm at it.. I also did last week's beautiful Even tried again watercolor for it. And for once I'm almost satified with my colors :)
from The Blue Room, painted in 1923 by Suzanne Valadon

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