The way Megatron is holding minimus 😭 😂

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For regular Megs, this ones are my favorites, just absolutely amazing designs, the IDW (Miner, bomber and Autobot) designs are also cool as hell and I like what they did with Cyberverse Megs in the final season and the cancelled Marauder Megatron

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good morning megatrons

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Can’t have humanformers Megatron without Orion Pax/Optimus Prime and the depth they give in this series is spectacular. I love how flawed he is, a good man at his core who tries to do the right thing but is still tainted by an oppressive system.

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Listen, I’ve been ride and die Autobot ever since 2007 but IDW’s provided best incarnation of Megatron I’ve ever seen, and I’m fascinated by his struggle for equality devolving into the thing he hated most. Definitely envision him as a British miner with a Scouse accent.

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New print has arrived. I have a few bundles available so just hit me up in the DM’s! 😉👍
11 x 17 Megatron
I have some other new prints like Optimus Prime and Megatron battle.

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Megatron in the femur breaker Saturday

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폴른 Fallen
메가트론 Megatron
센티널 프라임 Sentinel Prime
옵티머스 프라임 Optimus Prime

같은 제자인데 한 명은 스승 다른 한 명은 사부

50 165

Ok, now this is a way harder one for me to answer. Megatron's design language varies wildly across the franchise. If I had to pick one though, I'd pick his IDW, Stealth Bomber form.

Tall. Dark. Foreboding. He just looks menacing as hell. Bad ass Railgun > Fusion Cannon imo.

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Yes, it's Sideswipe's back as a Constructicon. And yes, he helped build Megatron!

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Shout out to my tfocs Beatbox and Soundtrack and this commission of Megatron I still really like

I am still way burnt out drawing mecha but I do kinda miss drawing my boys!

18 52

Megatron looks great! But there's just something messing with my eyes. He's "off" enough that I keep trying to figure out why he's not fully capturing the character for me. I think it's the dino head. & the kinda squared robot mode bits.
Same things make me want a T-Wrecks tho!

7 31

also maybe the hot dad version of megatron

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Some juicy MegaRod now available for my patrons 😤 Link in the tweet below~!!

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It's pretty effed up that Megatron will let Optimus us him as a potato gun but not me.

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WOW! Cannot wait for this! It’s a follow up to TFC ST Commander, which you may recall was also based on Don Figueroa artwork, and depicted OP as a GI Joe toy. Now we have Megatron too...

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Though this moment (which was an entire issue) of Megatron/Optimus Prime just talking to one another about their philosophies, dreams, and goals. Is highly up there.

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Incoming Transmission: TFC Toys has shared new renders of their upcoming STC-02, based on none other than Don Figueroa's Dominator Megatron!

Many thanks to for the heads up!

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