In honor of the release of The quintessential quintuplets in Italy 😜 We love it!!!!
Pencil by: dave
Ink and color by: Luna

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Miku from Gotoubun.

Def recommend the series. I love the color pallete and char designs. Also Fuutarou isnt a generic harem mc blob

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The cool boy Charleston is actually one of the most tech savvy, the other being my main bunno

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"Go-Toubun no Hanayome" (П'ять наречених) на обкладинці та кольоровому розвороті 49-го номеру журналу Weekly Shounen Magazine.


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Vou teorizar que ela está com essa cara na capa do volume como teaser que o protagonista vai escolher ela no futuro e ninguém pode me impedir! Até combina as capas!

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Best Girl... Até para casar ela tem um fone apropriado para combinar com o vestido huahuaha

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Some wake up doodles of my bunno boyo. He is being sassy.

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