Der Bronies Thüringen e. V. wünscht allen ein gesundes neues Jahr 2020!

The Bronies Thüringen e. V. wishes everyone a happy new year 2020!

(Art by 😊)

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Saw a bunch of people on my TL doing this so I thought I would join the fun lol

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Well, it's 2020 for me now!
Happy New Year and stuff!
Hope it will be even greater than previous!

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✨ Happy New Year 2020! Wishing you all a happy & successful 2020! 🎉🍾🥂

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Привет. Хочу поздравить вас с наступающим или уже у кого-то с наступившим Новым годом. Хочу пожелать вам всем успехов, счастья, здоровья и чтоб жили и не умирали :D
И помните, что крабовый салат лучший во всем мире☝

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2020 is coming very soon and so is a new series of Doctor Who.
Spyfall returns tomorrow on . As it’s coming to the end of a year, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope 2020 will be a great year for Doctor Who... fingers crossed 🤞

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⭐️Symphonic Holidays And New Year ⭐️

It might be late, but Im so happy I was able to finish it. I hope you all had wonderful holidays, and the next year is filled with joy! Bring it on next decade!

⭐️#Holidays ⭐️

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ultimo dibujo del año, una Sofí en la playa.

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