The Senate Republican gives substantial tax cuts and benefits to Americans earning more than $100,000 a year, while the nation’s poorest would be worse off, according to a report released Sunday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

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Le prochain skin de Kog'Maw sera un Hextech ! Vous pourrez l'obtenir via l'artisanat. Alors, vous le trouvez comment ? 😍

Aperçu vidéo ➡️

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Thanks to Slavka Sverakova for her excellent review of "the Joy of Eastern Composition" that was curated by the ArtisAnn Gallery at the EastSide Gallery.

The show is now over, you can still see a selection of Colin's works at the ArtisAnn Gallery

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A great day ahead of us here
100 fabulous artisans, a live brass band & awesome DJ, mouthwatering street food & more
10am - 7pm

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In 1840s goldsmith & major Victorian antiquary Joseph Mayer joined the campaign to establish a public museum in Liverpool. One reason was to keep unoccupied artisans out of pubs. He opened his own Egyptian Museum at 8 Colquitt St in 1852 ..but it's now a PUB!

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L'un est spécialiste des motos et carburateurs, l'autre défend l'intelligence de la main et l'artisanat... Ils sont dans mon prochain article |
Qui sont-ils ?

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day...8 ? I live two days in the past.
Donc encore une suite d'illu sur mon futur projet, j'en profite pour faire un buste pour l'introduire : Lucas, partisan de la théorie du complot, fin limier de cryptide et déterminé à les révéler au grand jour.

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Tant qu'on parle de fins, rappelons que Saekano s'est terminé le mois dernier. Paix aux ships et à leurs partisans qui ont coulé en mer.

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サークル「都落ちPartisan」は、コミックマーケット93で「金曜日 東地区 "こ" 40b」に配置されました!

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Jones St. gang tires of losing in court so says, 'Heck, we'll just pick our own judges!!!"

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Brilliant Advertising Posters for Artisanal Ice Cream
ブラジルのPPMとEstudio Gelmiが制作

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Amazingly talented artisan stall holders wanted...

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I'll be at Wilmslow Artisan Market from 10am until 4pm on Saturday. Hope to see you there 😍👩🏻‍🎨

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