<<oh my god shes fucking crazy. Can I leave now. Would that be acceptable. I don't even give a shit about my love, let George have it for all I care, can I just get away from this Asylum Escapee????>>

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Thanks for hanging out during My stream which lasted 10 hrs. Thankyou for the Franchise and a Happy 10th Birthday to

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Happy 10th anniversary to one of modern gaming's greats: Batman: Arkham Asylum! Hands down, one of my favorite games of all time, and is one of the best and most accurate portrayals of one of entertainment's biggest characters. Cheers to the past and future, !

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10 years ago today released Batman: Arkham Asylum. 🦇🎮

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Batman completes its 10th anniversary today! nailed every aspect of becoming the Batman in the Arkham series, and completely redefined superhero video-games.

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thanks takin over the asylum for found family rights

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1/3 Bloody Good Period has to exist *because of* the government’s policy and approach to refugees and asylum seekers. We deplore that policy, and we deplore the fact that their approach appears to be further solidifying under the new Home Secretary.

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"Do ya think I'm fulla shame and regret fer what ah've done now, Sister? Y'could shave me bald as a cue ball and ah'd still be the hottest tamale in this joint."

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I have the job of carrying the Monstrous Crew's flag in the Queen's Parade at the Asylum Steampunk festival this weekend, but have been informed that it is very heavy...

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Deksepa paĝo «Gardu vin pri la frenezulejo». Tuŝo kiu ne estas, kaj eksplodo de radiado.


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I drew my siren named Nox for my asylum story

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Dekkvara paĝo de «Gardu vin pri la frenezulejo». Suĉita en la transiran tubon.


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The Comic Sans store in has A LOT of references, so we will be highlighting them on small packs.

In this one we have some Asylum, R for Revenge, and Captain Canada comics, inspired by Joker's Asylum, V for Vendetta, and Captain America. Quite obvious...

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Them old bitches really brought her to the asylum i hate them they’re so nosy

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Deka paĝo de «Gardu vin pri la frenezulejo». La robotaj brakoj kompletas la verkon.


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