Por favor centremos nuestra atención en los bonitos brillitos mágicos y no en la calidad del dibujo :c

Lady Phantomhive está radiante hoy o o!!!

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Ciel con florecitas en el cabello es mi religión.
Lo amo.

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Such an adorable tiny Sebastian. Sometimes you would just want to see Sebastian in a vulnerable state.

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I saw a picture of drocell on my old usb and I got the urge to sketch him. I miss him :’)

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Can't help myself to draw him in that clothes. BEAUTIFUL BOIII!!

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Dibujo de otro Phantomhive porque amo a este chico.
Ah, espero con ansias el capítulo de este mes +_+

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Happy White day everyone. 🍓🍓
One of the drawings we had years ago.

It would be great to have this outfit again. Our friend is trying to remodel the outfit for a better quality.

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Excel Art # 4: Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

Software: Microsoft Excel
Art Duration: 6hrs

and don't forget to like and share my lil page. Akiya Suicideart 😍😍😍😘🥰

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ヴィンセント: 葬儀屋から、『プレゼントに欲しいものあるかい?』と聞かれた。俺は『気持ちだけで充分嬉しいよ』と答えた。葬儀屋は俯いて小さな声で『気持ちなんてとっくに全部あげてるのに…』動揺のあまり、手に持ってた紅茶を床にぶちまけた。

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heres another nate fan art.he went live today. but i was watching sao and blackbutler before i joined. so. i count stop thinking of his character dressed as kirito or sebastian. now i gotta do sebastian. hmm. maybe next week. i have school work.

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