random stuff. colored short haired beidou and starconch hunting rkgk while in co-op. (collecting for mr. tortilla) 😆

593 1862

beidou and ningguang resting after fighting some hillicurls

145 501

ningguang and beidou together would be such a power couple

21 110

"Give both," I say as I save all my primos for Zhongli.

37 238

suddenly careless whisper plays as ningguang backhugs beidou

69 218

Venti + Klee combo forevs and of course Beiguang :D

3 DPS and a supp brrrr I need a healer,,, Qiqi mayhaps??you??come??home?? https://t.co/Pr0WN4Td4a

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ur lying if you tell me this isnt canon,,,,,,,, lesbiban rights

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