Oooo look traditional art- this was for an art trade that I never posted 🤭

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Un de mes films préférés, Le film FMAB, avec un parti pris graphique qui rappelle un peu ce que DBS Broly fut pour DB. Ce film à pourtant était décrié par les fans à sa sortie en 2011, dommage c’est un grand film d’aventure/action avec des séquences animées de toute beauté

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Trying New shading, anyway here's a more modern Edward, he gets beat up a lot for his smart mouth and petite physique. He is dirty and greasy. Bon appetité!

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POV: You are getting hot and heavy with envy, but need to pause to take a selfie. Featuring my OC because I am gay.

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Head canon that Ed really respects Hawkeye and she tends to be protective of him

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I’ve been rewatching fmab with my little sister for the past week, and no lie even though I’ve already watched it, it still gets to me! We might finish it this weekend!

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I always appreciate love story between two tsundere characters.

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she never has to carry a lighter 💫

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rob got me into brotherhood and i love a bastard

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I watched that scene with my mom in FMAB and I couldn't stoo laughing
My friend baptized this as the twink edition

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I did the fun last night because it’s fun (Bradley from FMAB, Peenix from ace attorney, Robert from KOTH, the king, cursed emoji and sableye from pokemans)

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Watching FMAB I am very sad 😭😭😭

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Ahorita va muy de secundario, pero mrda, tiene una de las escenas más tiernas de tomo FMAB 😢

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Rewatching FMAB, just some good Lan Fan + Lingfan screenshots

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last one for tonight but here's ling yao again!!!!

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