Gift art for !! An elezen friend, featuring her WoL & Emet! Gerald has the best laugh! LOL

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Portrait commissions for Jate of some FF14 characters!

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A Secret Santa(Secret New Years) gift for a friend!!

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Holiday for the lovely . Part one of two. I had so much fun painting all the frost and effects!

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Start of the decade vs. end of the decade. Posts like these are a good reminder of how far you've come and how much further you can go. So keep powering on! Make 2020 a good year 🥂

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I am thinking about to offer those comissions again. But this time for a fixed price (exception if heavy armore/weapon, 2nd char or pets )
Are some ppl interested in those sketch comissions?

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Merry Christmas! My FFXIV Character in his Christmas outfit. Hehe.😆

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미코테와 라라펠 자캐를 그려봤어요!

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Two more art raffle icons I drew, had a lot of fun doing these!

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Happy Starlight to all my friends!
Feel free to draw your WoLs with Cari here if they're in need of a friend this holiday season <3

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a saucy little commission for ! thanks as always for your support!

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