Finally getting a Ronso/Hrothgar playable in ff14 so I decide to draw another fanart of for this month fanart , the best char in the and in general.

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Did a little FF14 Hrothgar Fan Art Kimahri approves

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ShB's new Jobs!

Looks like the Gunbreaker is brought to us from Ilsabard by the Hrothgar, and originate in the protection of royalty.

The arts of the Dancer, as expected, come from Thavnair! Their mastery and precision of their combat flows with their movments.

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Il 17 aprile sarà disponibile nelle fumetterie il volume 3 di Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger. Naoki Yoshida è incaricato della supervisione del fumetto; non è un caso quindi che il volume 1 contenga un'anticipazione dell'annuncio dell'arrivo delle Viera e dei Hrothgar in

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Okay, I officially finished it officially! I'm happy to have been a part of this, was really fun XD Such a gud floof boi <3 (screaminginternallystilbecauseIlovehisnose)

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warm up Hrothgar colors before I dive back into commissions.

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Someone is stoked for NotRonso in Although I think I'm more stoked I drew something. And it came out decent! His name might be U'dumu but that's a work in progress.

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My boy heard you talking shit about him not being the real bunny boy. Talk shit get hit.

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DID SOMEONE SAY BOOMERANGS? Gods I really hope we can glamour all dancer weapons onto each other cause yea chakrami look cool but also please gimme a huge boomerang

Sad to hear bunboys and buff hrothgar ladies are off the table now but perhaps in the future...?

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hope the gas mask will work with them :D..

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!! I had been wanting to do this for a while and finally sat down and did it... I included hrothgar as well because fuck the popo; I used FFX's female ronso as a base for the appearance

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Hrothgar x Fat Cat !

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my cat in ff14 (who's not going super saiyan and turning into the hrothgar) being a dumbass with a giant axe

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