Day 8. A grumpy little weed.

The catch up grind is real. I’m beginning to fully comprehend how little time I have for monthly challenges anymore. But heck, gotta try til it’s over.

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Artist JoAnna Marie painted this portrait of It’s beautiful. It’s also revolutionary. Well meaning people ask me all the time what they can do to help. The answer is everything. Whatever you have been gifted to do— do it in the name of justice.

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So Reynard City Chronicles is heading to next week. Reynard City Chronicles Issue 1 is going to be on sale, featuring yours truly, more info (Art by and Strider Syd)

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Doctor Strange (2018)
Strange’s Sanctum is plundered. Writer Mark Waid begins a marvelously fantastical Lee-Ditko-esque Space-Dimensional epic. Unfortunately, the art team of Barry Kitson, Scott Koblish and Brain Reber don’t quite do the immense scope of it justice. 3/5

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Week 8—there are only 10 weeks total!—of Hero's Captain America 100 Project auctions are up and running at:

GREAT work by , Barry Kitson, Greg Land and MORE! Go NOW!

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“ゆけゆけ!おひさまガール!” from “三ツ星カラーズ キャラクターソングシリーズ 02 さっちゃん” by 高野麻里佳 作曲: emon (Tes.)

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“お・ぼ・え・テ・て” from “魔法少女サイトキャラクターソング 「...私だけ見てて♡」 - EP” by 穴沢虹海(CV:芹澤 優) 作曲: 黒須克彦 & lotta

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“AXIA~ダイスキでダイキライ~” from “Walküre Attack!” by ワルキューレ/(カナメΔ安野希世乃/レイナΔ東山奈央/マキナΔ西田望見) 作曲: 松本良喜

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“mind as Judgment” from “mind as Judgment” by 飛蘭 作曲: 上松範康

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“SECRET” from “Prism” by ClariS 作曲: 丸山真由子

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“今を僕らしく生きてくために” from “Catch the Rainbow!” by 水瀬いのり 作曲: 中野領太

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“好き、以外の言葉で” from “hectopascal” by 高田憂希、寿美菜子 作曲: 白神真志朗

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“Love Magic 〜素直になれないアタシが最高に可愛くなれる魔法〜” from “Love Magic” by hibiku 作曲: ヒゲドライバー

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“しんがーそんぐぱやぽやメロディー” from “しんがーそんぐぱやぽやメロディー” by Petit Rabbit's with beans 作曲: 大久保薫

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“brave climber” from “Catch the Rainbow!” by 水瀬いのり 作曲: 中野領太

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“Lovin' Drivin' Darlin'” from “at THREE - EP” by 竹内アンナ 作曲: 竹内アンナ

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