This is how my sona would look like if I woldn't still have one and Altehra decided to design it. Kissa the moth. The original concept made by Altehra, colored by me -

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hitti akita inu í dag og varð því auðvitað að skissa svoleiðis

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I should upload here random sketches that... never see the light besides my roleplay friends 💦💦💦 I did this yesterday before Maze Runner (?) I'll do some sketch kisses with Brooke

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Such kissable lips this big boy will have

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It’s is it...? 😏 Alice is a true romantic at heart! 💕 (She won’t admit it, though.)

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Drawing your attention to ‘Lay of the Red Moustache’ on

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1/6📐 HMV渋谷
1/20📐 Fairy-tales Nagoya
1/28📐 ヴィレッジヴァンガード高円寺
2/11📐 Sasaki Kissa Fes

💥Koenji Highワンマンライブ💥

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vilukissa, alerted me to an important twitter post of some cat paws and i felt the need to draw the owner of those paws *´ v `*

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「cafe chez kolmekissaa」に伺いました!なんだろ…めっっっっちゃ贅沢なカフェ屋さんという表現が的を得ている気がします!画像は奇跡的に神々しく撮れた周さんの笛吹の男の子…実物も本当に綺麗なので見て頂きたい…という訳で興味がある方も迷われてる方も是非見に行ってみてはいかがでしょう!:-)

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