here some warpedlamp stream doodle i did over the week with paint toll sai.

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The Sweatshop level of for
-final level ingame
-the first concept
-polished assets
-the toll station

the game will release on PC in just 5 days on 16.11.2017,
Pre-order it at Humble:

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das ding ist toll
Hab mich auch selbst gebastelt

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Tag 21 - Teeth. Ist nicht so toll, weil ich leider nicht so gut im Zeichnen von Zähnen bin ^^' Daher eher eine Art kleine Übung

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ein doggo für s und mein informatik projekt x'D auch wenn ich noch ne referenz gebraucht hab,tiere zeichnen ist so toll QwQ

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Bought yesterday and the game is beautiful, but took a toll on my wrists for some reason;;; numero 5!!

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Opening emergency commissions as my short term med leave from work is taking a toll on my financial life
Please DM me if you are interested!

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Take a little breath
of soil
and toil out
inner needles

Toll to see the clouds
above me
and soon
I will be over
what overcame me

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In gefangen zu sein ist toll. Ach und Misato ist süß
Ach und und ......IHR SEID SCHULD! Mal wieder

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Auf dem letzten Meerbild hab ich meinen persönlichen Lieblingsseehund portraitiert.
So war mein Hund auch mit am Meer.😉Vielen Dank, allen die beim mitgemacht haben. Es war toll.🙂

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All of this Constant eating and hard working is putting a bit of a toll on my Body!
Well, how do I look?
Art by

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Baden ist so toll. Vorallem Sonntags.

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I spent a lot of time outside recently and it's safe to say it took its toll on me

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Harvey's toll on the Gulf's energy industry ->

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Very toll puppy & kitty *cough*andtheirowner*cough*

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summers taking its toll on me

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Toll messhall worker

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Devouring things and wrecking the city must have taken a toll on them..

(I need to draw levi and pal more ok)

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