I don't know you people do animations, this is rough, only 6 frames.

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So, since I'm practicing animations, I decided to animate it, what do you think?

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We sent out a newsletter with our Animations, Stripshows and Wallpapers! Check your email or https://t.co/eNAmB5jA3W

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Speaking of red hot animations, I just found a new deviantart favourite https://t.co/W4TNwxpc2v

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Great website with beautiful animations, especially the custom video player.

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made some progress with animations, that girl is getting badass !

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The troll is starting to move! Got my hands full with a lot of monster and boss animations, super stoked!

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Making some new animations, floating cast. Hopefully be done with all animations soon!

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While I finish its animations, this guy is training a lot to become a really strong enemy

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Idle/Walk/Run animations, all made 999% easier by chopping up the sprite and using .

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Le pack d'asset de cette semaine, c'est un perso 3D avec des animations, ça prend forme comme vous pouvez le voir

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Haven't seen the new animations, but figured I'd use new design.

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wip animations, needs some more ik, and i need to do something with the eyes

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Just a random idling pixel hawk with a tee. Should put more afford in the animations, I think.

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Another oldie! The Not-Gunpoint characters not only had run animations, but also walkies and talkies.

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I'm working on a new Mirana mount! It will have custom animations, so I hope you guys like it so far!

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New work up at our Tumblr. Parasites, spaceships, and block in animations, YEA! http://t.co/gpxHghc570

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Handed in final animations, woooo hooo lets get some drinkypoos

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Alrighty, something I did for the RLB, still working on my animations, but hey, at least I snuck in some good old art.

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