pictures that smashers can't see

0 10

When the timeline posts contest of slashers

15 102

It's too much horror business this summer with SLASHERS, edited by . Eleven writers take the well worn genre of the slasher and turn it on its ear (and tail) with tales sexy, funny, and did I forget to mention...horrifying?

0 6

Death Thrashers BULLETBELT released their 4th studio album "Warlords" on July 1, 2020 via Impaler Records. What do you think about the new album?

2 4

Just 5 more backers to reach 400!

Fast approaching my second most backed project to date! This is amazing!

You can back Glitter Vipers today and make a glitter grindhouse OGN about a drag queen and friends bashing the bashers!

27 29

my friend is mad at me because i told him to stop calling women dishwashers

0 4

The first two books in my new History Smashers series come out next week! This series is aimed at undoing some of the lies & myths we teach little kids about history and sharing hidden truths. Here's a preview... (This thread has a hidden-history quiz at the end!)

96 651

yea i'm gay keep scrolling

12 51

Peeps: Yo there should be more poc in smash ngl
White smashers: whatchu mean you got all the black reps you want???

0 3

WOW! 7 years after we started this book (& yes it is still coming very soon!) we’re still finding out about old slashers! Coming soon from “an ultrarare 1990s SOV movie never released in The US only a handful of copies direct from filmmaker exist anywhere” More below

6 21

What would u do if u saw all the Slashers at a restaurant?

I'd b eating with them. 😎

41 242

Совсем забыла сюда выложить. Засилие соцсетей отнимает кучу времени по утрааааам😭😭😭 Но ничего не поделаешь - 21 век...

0 15


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Hello! My name is Rhiya! I like all kinds of horror but the horror art I do focuses mostly on slashers, horror games, and some monsters!

1 13

Not exactly the same but seeing the Aero the Acrobat GBA one reminded me how the Italian-made GBA game Gem Smashers got turned into a Cho Aniki spinoff for its Japanese release. It still fascinates me.

1 1

“Actually Meghan, I have hemmoroids”

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