Twilight is loved by everypony

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Hope you're all having a fantastic everypony!

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Why is everypony else posting fanart for That's my job! *hiss*

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Good morning, everypony! Have a Princess Celestia (and a Twilight too!)

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Happy everypony! Have this adorable picture of Fluttershy ^^

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Hope you're all having a great everypony!

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Time for me to hit the hay, so here's a picture of our beloved princess of the night. Good night everypony!

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Good morning, everypony! Happy Have a Scootaloo~

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I have work in the morning so it's time for me to hit the hay. Good night everypony!

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Goodnight, everypony! Luna bless you all~ I love you all so much! <3

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Good morning, everypony! Have a Princess Celestia to start the day~! :D

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Goodnight, everypony! Have a Luna~ I love you all~ <3

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Happy everypony! :D Enjoy your day, muffins! :)

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Good morning, everypony! Have a Princess Twilight Sparkle~

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Gonna go to bed now. Goodnight, everypony! Have a Princess Luna. :)

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