St.Francis' Vision of the Flaming Torch - El Greco, 1605

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The Merits of Old Masters

El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), “An Allegory” (“Fábula”) (c. 1585–95), oil on canvas

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El Greco would paint the subject of 'Christ driving the Traders from the Temple' several times

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With View of Toledo, El Greco can claim to be the first landscaper in the history of Spanish art. On view

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Estreno de la película El Greco y... el 18 de Diciembre en el Teatro Rojas. ¡No os la perdáis!

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코, 성모 대관식Coronation of the Virgin, El Greco, 1591. Museo del Prado

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코, 성 삼위일체 The Holy Trinity, El Greco, 1577. Museo del Prado

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The Holy Family with St. Anne & the Young St. John the Baptist
El Greco, 1601. Museo del Prado

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코, 오순절 Pentecost, El Greco, 1596. Museo del Prado

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코, 십자가를 진 예수 Christ carrying the cross, El Greco, 1578. Museo del Prado

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코, 예수의 세례 Baptism of Christ, El Greco, 1597-1600. Museo del Prado

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[명화산책] 엘 그레코 수태고지 Annunciation, El Greco, 1610. Museo del Prado

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El Greco at NGA Washington--a must see! Here's my review in the New York Sun.

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with San Martin y el mendigo from Sam & Paul

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Painting by El Greco (1614)

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Hoy domingo último día para visitar "El Greco y la pintura moderna". Se podrá ver hasta las 9 de la noche

55 52 165 Color Paintings of El Greco - Spanish Renaissance Painter, Sculptor and Architect (1...

0 0 165 Color Paintings of El Greco - Spanish Renaissance Painter, Sculptor and Architect (1...

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