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"Hunters in the Snow" (1565), Bruegel the Elder (Holanda) - Renacimiento Nórdico
Reposting @hinxlinx:
Daily .#Art - Day 06-12-18
(2018) Anne Frank
A pen and marker illustration tribute to Anne Frank (June 12, 1929 - March 12, 1945), for her 89th birthday. (#15,265)
- #illustration #pendrawing #markerdrawing #anne #frank #annefrank #portrait #portraitart
Hey! I'm Ember. My old account (@ dino_ember) was deleted by twitter because I didn't meet the age restrictions when I created it (I'm currently old enough). I'm trying to get back my followers (245), new ones are of course very welcome.
RTs are more than appreciated.
#El29dejunio de 1976 muere la #geóloga soviética #VeraAleksandrovnaVarsanofeva, #primeramujer de su país en recibir el grado de doctor en ciencias geológicas y mineralógicas (1935), fue vicepresidenta de la Sociedad de naturalistas de Moscú. Fue galardonada con la Orden de Lenin
All example types. Sketch ($20), +Color ($25), +Shading ($30), +Color & Shading ($35)
Single day tickets are now on sale for Friday ($25), Saturday ($35), and Sunday ($25) on our website! https://t.co/erqyayQS0i.
#anime #animeconvention #animecaliforniacon #cosplay #cosplayers #manga #costume #geek #nerd #girl #annieandcalvin #kawaii #comic #otaku #animecosplayer
Marvel's #SpiderMan Variant Covers 3 (of 5), on sale Sept: Avengers #7 by Eve Ventrue (homage to Dark Reign: Mister Negative Issue #1 by Jae Lee)!
@Marvel @MarvelGames @insomniacgames @PlayStation #MarvelComics #SpiderManPS4 #BeGreater
Seishū Hanaoka (1760-1835), a Japanese surgeon, developed a herbal concoction he called tsusensan, which allowed him to remove a breast tumour from a patient on October 13, 1804. The Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists have a Datura flower in their emblem in honour of this.
↳ https://t.co/awohQn9b2o —
“Abstract atmospheric wave” by blackhalt | Redbubble
Digital #Art. GIMP, GMIC various.
Linify (Javascript, Canvas (HTML5), SVG).
BlueViolet, MediumSeaGreen, MediumOrchid, CadetBlue, RoyalBlue, PaleGreen, VioletRed, ...
Guy Rose (1867-1925), study for "Windswept Trees, Laguna," oil on canvas, 18" x 15", sold for $168,000 at @JohnMoranInc #antiques #antique #art #artist #auction #Rose #painting #study #Laguna #California #trees #wind #collecting #collect
↳ https://t.co/uNte8xKVh7 —
“Abstract color mix” by blackhalt | Redbubble
Digital #Art. Chaotica, GIMP, GMIC various.
Linify (Javascript, Canvas (HTML5), SVG).
CornflowerBlue, Silver, Khaki, PaleVioletRed, MediumPurple, SandyBrown, CadetBlue, LightGreen, ...
Use the https://t.co/q84s13oUnq search engine to discover art exhibitions at 1100 museums across the USA.
Don't miss another "wish I'd known about it" exhibition!
Image: Konstantin Savitsky (1844–1905), Monk 1897
Luis Caballero (1943-1995), A Couple, 1989. From my collection. A Colombian known for male erotic imagery. #maleform https://t.co/rn08Qat6uv #luiscaballero #homoerotic #queerart #colombianart #homoeroticart