Sorry Naoto a quick sketch^^ but Happy Birthday! 「海」#サイコパス版深夜のお絵描き一本60分勝負

6 10

Some BG I did for season 2^^

24 49

Binge watching anime on Netflix called Psycho Pass
<3 that Spooky Boogie

0 0

Makishima (槙島さん) in a kimono. Late prompt for

0 2

Theme: Drinking; ...........someone do one with milk. D8

2 4

Super late prompt "Blue" for .. I thought blue matched Kogami ( 狡噛 慎也 ) best...

1 2

Togane can't hide his creep factor anymore. Good thing Akane's so stable!

21 43

Bersikap Lembutlah kepada Orang lain & bersikap Keraslah kepada Diri Sendiri - Kougami Shinya

122 24

Hinakawa Sho ( 雛河 翔) 'Crying' prompt... poor thing! First time drawing him and I made him cry 8)

5 9

Uploading before I go pass out. First time drawing Ginoza ( 宜野座 伸元 ) forreals. 'Twin Tails' for

5 4