Commission for

Thank you for applying ☺️🌱🌼

8 46

Commission for

Thank you for applying 😊💜🖤

34 182

Evans Linda님이 신청해주신 B타입 커미션이에요! 커미션 신청 감사해요💕 Thank you for applying for commission!

71 583


Thank you for applying

57 525

Commission for

Thank you for applying😆❤️

4 22

Commission for (Tum)lunethdawnseeker

Thank you for applying☺️❤️

4 16

Commission for

Thank you for applying☺️❤️

5 12

werewolf bf applications r open thiz month & he is applying 2 be urs 🐺💕

4 7


Thank you for applying

425 3961

Here you got 4 of mine

Samantha Boucher, a healer who got shapeshifting powers by applying her own magic into her body

Briggitte Himmelmann, specialized in necromancy

Eriel Lancaster, specialized in brewing potions

Genevette Pouvre, specialized in brewing potions and cooking

0 2

how my art looks normally vs how my art looks when im thinking about applying for a job
(technically a post)

22 210

That tweet got a lot of attention

I promise I’ll post about it when it’s open but it’s def one of those things I’d like to look somewhat professional (fleshed out mostly) from the start, so people can determine if it’s a good fit for them prior to applying!! ty 4 patience

0 11

Thank you for applying. :3!

0 15

Be applying new techniques recently to my work,that I’ve learned from some of my favorite artist, and wanted to test them by redrawing a picture I felt I coulda have done way better on...#arttechniques

3 3

Applying to the CPR team. Wish me luck!

0 74


thanks again for applying for commission.

2 9

Walela Nehanda(itswalela on ig ) is a really wonderful person who is battling leukemia and searching for a stem cell donor. We can help by applying at Bethematch !!! its super easy!!! i just sent my mouth swab in!!

0 0

【Kakeru's Commission~2020】Opening!


Don't play tablet before bed!



3 30