And we’re back. V7E10





Neat trick.

331 1583

The weekly episode will be delayed this week. But have a great Monday!

39 397

No new this week. So the decided to present to you a play...

267 1400







I’m actually kinda excited to learn more about this kid.

165 1005

A kinda whoa






Oh what could possibly go wrong....

85 491

Look a






Running a campaign can’t be cheap. You gotta be creative...

278 1416

I couldn’t sleep so...






Since that ominous description went up. This is all I’ve been thinking about.

130 777

I might have timed this a little too perfectly. I heard it’s actually Election Day in London.

Vote. It’s important.






My darkest comic yet.

100 707

A redraw







The moment when Nora is all of us.

163 947

And now I answer a question that has been on everyone’s minds since Fiona has been introduced.

269 1522

This is a Disney Promo.






Weiss has had it.

324 1542

Commissioned by .
I learned that dates apparently grew on palm trees. Who knew...

257 1182

Look behind you!







I’ve been neglecting you fans. Here. An offering.

301 1393

Your weekly






Yeah. This was me after college...

211 1131

What is Raven up to? Answered.

Yes I know my portal ended up looking like an angry lady part but I’m keeping it Hahaha it makes me laugh.

Co-written with

172 943