commission for long time mutual from the tumblr days of his half-orc/half-tiefling boy. Where the rest of my Infernal Orcs at??

1 12

Meet my girl Maven. Think of her as an inverted warlock

A demon resides inside heart, bound to her soul, through which she draws power

Separate whatever D&D class she has, she will also enjoy a list of powers inspired by monsterhearts infernal

What class should she be?

4 54

That, and infernal women of course

12 44

Shiro is a white tiefling, with black hair and golden eyes, who took advantage of his infernal blood to take part into the arts of magic.

1 6

👀Here’s a look at just some of the infernal goodies that I’ll be summoning to my table

7 28

Roget d’Vyaros felt young again.

He knew he had Infernal Master Zaateroth, the Weaver of Shadows, to thank for this feeling of exultation.

But she did nothing to earn it, he thought. This is all mine.

3 29

The mercenaries on the west flank struggled against the swarming infernal attackers. Already the field was hazy with the smoke of rifles, warjacks, and artillery.

3 33

The Heroes of Baldur's Gate continue their descent into Avernus in Infernal Tides 2. The written by & illustrated by is now on shelves!

3 32

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? Infernal Relations has updated!

Latest page 😇
From the start 😈
Faster updates and NSFW on patreon 👀

1 5

No dawn rose. A swallowing darkness took its place as the infernal masters devoured the light of the sun.

From that shadow came the wailing of a thousand-thousand souls.

The infernals had arrived.

3 45

More of Peridot's infernal exploits

3 11

Infernal Aasimar Ash'n

take 2

52 427

I’ve got vampires, hauntings, and freshly replenished stock of Bok the gargoyle and the infernal goat, on handmade lokta paper, mmm...

11 36

Cover art of Dungeons and Dragons: Infernal Tides . Excited to tell that is going to be released on next week! Shoutout to the crazy team! Editor Written by . Art by . And my color pouring on top of that 🎨🎨

13 139

Curious to see how an artist grows and evolves their ideas through the creative process? gives us a glimpse into the progression of his Infernal Gate piece, which will be available on our upcoming Kickstarter!

5 11

ICYMI - Neverwinter: Infernal Descent will launch February 25 on &

11 64