Another Hololive ID Gen.2 Fanart, UwU
sorry if ur eyes hurt cuz too bright X"D

1 14

Nothing, just Reine and her rebana 👉👈
loving ur stream kanjeng merak. perfect bg sound for drawing 🦚💕

12 188

Have you ever wondered why Anya's PC lags a lot?

257 2561

Congrats on your first collaboration stream🎉
すばらしい です よ!!!✨

So... "J.K." 2nd gen because why not?😉

138 2002

Huh... A red loud peppermint multilanguage zombie idol...
I'm sold.

89 1110

Pavolia Reine Pout ( Mamako meme - original character of Pochi Lida ) 🥰
P/s : Sorry for repost, this time i fixed the necklaces jewelry and earring

26 178

t̶u̶r̶k̶e̶y̶ peacock 🦚

11 44

Anya klo ke bali mungkin bakalan gini. Ini lagi ngunying, nusukin keris ke badan..

Anya: "jadi gini rasanya ngelawan diri sendiri" :D

Salam dari Bali ^-^)/

2 30

Fanart for I hope you like it!! ❤
Congratulations for your debut!! I really love your design!

46 559