The rhythmic wind gales grew tired. It's near it's nest, it'll be landing soon, Rayne concluded, methodically scaling the mountainside. Her training left her nimbly traversing the otherwise sketchy terrain, no more easily than crossing a sedated riverbank. The black maw of t…

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(rhythmic drumming) here comes a special boy, here comes a special boy, here comes a sp

(the awafl hype continues)

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弱ペダ4期OPテーマ「僕の声」#RhythmicToyWorld リリースライブ&サイン会が明日2/16(金)19時よりタワーレコード渋谷店CUTUPスタジオで開催!タワーレコード渋谷・新宿・池袋にて「僕の声」CDを購入すると観覧券をプレゼント中!是非会場へ!

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今日2/14(水)CDリリース!『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE』OPテーマ「僕の声」!
このOPを歌うRhythmic Toy Worldのスペシャルインタビューが到着しました!彼らが楽曲に込めた熱い想いと声を、ぜひチェックしてください~!

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WIP of my submission for - I decided to give Shaky Butt a new coat of paint with a new art style that's easier to animate. Looking forward to showing off my rhythmic romance story!

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2/14(水)CD発売『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE』OPテーマ「僕の声」を歌うRhythmic Toy Worldのリリースツアーか開催!

そして、「僕の声」フルver.×『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE』スペシャルミュージックビデオ(MV)配信中!

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『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE 』OPテーマ「僕の声」を歌うRhythmic Toy Wolrdによるリリースツアーが開催決定!3/22(木)下北沢GARDENを皮切りに、大阪梅田と名古屋でもステージを展開!ぜひ会場に足を運んでください~!

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Always loved the Tang Courtesans. So rhythmic & graceful. Found their brothers in Italy. Nice surprise!

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『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE』OPテーマ「僕の声」by Rhythmic Toy WolrdのTVサイズVer.が、今日1/9(火)24:00に配信スタートとなります。ぜひチェックしてください。

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今夜からいよいよ『弱虫ペダル GLORY LINE』がテレビ東京&テレビ大阪の深夜2:05からを皮切りに放送スタート!本編はもちろん、初お披露目となるOP&EDムービーもお楽しみに!

OPテーマ:「僕の声」Rhythmic Toy World
EDテーマ:「Carry the Hope」THE HIGH CADENCE(チーム総北)

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'Filled with music and mayhem, this brightly illustrated and delightfully rhythmical story is heaps of fun.'
Books for Topics

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"Rhythmically contracting and expanding" - how did Edward Weston turn a green pepper into a work of erotic art?

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14) Celia Cruz! The Queen of Salsa and of Latin Music, she hailed from Cuba. She was known for her powerful voice and rhythmic music

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*rhythmically finger snaps*

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The pendulum clock was invented in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens. It had good accuracy due to its rhythmic swinging

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"The rhythmic juxtaposition of colour and form has remained a hallmark of his powerful compositions" Dr W Tirr on Terry Frost

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'Twit To Who?' by & has fun, rhythmic text & glorious images.
Click link to learn more -

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a few drawings for this next character✨ ive been sketching from rhythmic gymnastics vids to figure out how i want her to fight/move

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