did this as stress relief but found myself even more Stressed at how Beautiful this lil bbie is......whew.....🥺💓
// //

22 39

his pout was hard to capture but I couldn’t get over the pic jongho took w that lil heart filter :’(

0 7

One To All Concept JONGHO🍎

74 256

브이라이브 정말 귀여웠다...

119 343

💗❤️최고 귀요미 하트 부자 종호 ❤️💗

55 160

Jonghoon (CR: ftgtjh_j) มาอยู่หน้านี้พอดีก็ขอให้ God Bless You นะพี่นะ 🙏

32 37

Happy Birthday, Jong Hoon🎉🎸🎹
PRIMADONNAからの たくさんの おもいを うけとって、しあわせな いちねんを すごしてね!

23 77