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@terrywolf1 Please, get some rest! You can sleep on my pecs!
Derris: Wolf train hard, now Red turn to SQUEEZE WARRIOR MUSCLES!!
Willgon: RAWR! *gropes* I can see that training, Bro! with these pecs you can smash rocks!
Derris: Rocks, skulls...no matter, pulverize with muscles!!
You: *Spying* Oh my...they are NAKED!!
Collab with @Willovan
@Tanookers @whatinsomnia And have them fuck their own pecs sometimes while you get them all worked up~!
Willgon: RAWR! What do you think wolf? I hope I didn't exaggerate when I said that they were like steel!
Derris: *Squeezing hard those pecs from behind* Red not lie...powerful muscles!
Willgon: Another flex and you cann't sink your claws into them >:D!
Collab done with @Willovan
At this point @XXXL_Bull will not only be the next Mr Olympia but the new king of bodybuilding but king of the universe with those biceps and pecs of steel and iron
April Patreon Reward for @FurExecutioner! Good puppy pinching prominently projecting pecs~
i got this new absinf design. basically there's this instance except he's got HUGE pecs. i mean some SERIOUS honkers. a real set of BADONKERS. packin some DOBONHONKEROS. massive DOHOONKABHANOKOLOOS. big ol' TONHONGEREKOOGERS.
Cell shaded commission for Xzepher_Shadowkick8 featuring conal on Furaffinity
Where else are you gonna put your dick if not between a buff guys pecs?
Dont answer that
Because plenty of peeps seemed to like the new dude, here's some more of him! Just Rhodes being a big, handsome jerk <3 Yes that's a cruise ship on his tongue and a container ship between his pecs |D
Omni needs for a hug with big pecs! Hopefully this is to your satisfaction @OnionWolf