Left or Right? The answer you choose will determine what kind of person you are

Anime: Bunny Girl Senpai <3 Anime For Life

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Here is a drawing I made for a great cosplayer, his cosplay style was perfect for my drawing style. I decided to please him.

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And here I finished Alexy in action with his flames. I'm pretty proud of the result it gave especially when digitizing.

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7月7日発売!緑のルーペ先生原作「SWAMP STAMP AnimeEdition」!

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緑のルーペ先生原作『SWAMP STAMP AnimeEdition』!!

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7月7日発売の「SWAMP STAMP AnimeEdition」はご存知『緑のルーペ』先生がコミックsaseco創刊号に描かれたコミックより最速のOVA化!ヒロイン仁科チャンのCVはトークも多彩な相模恋氏!そして彼女の名前を見る度に相模湾を思い出すボク。シイラ釣り行きてー…。

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緑のルーペ先生原作『SWAMP STAMP AnimeEdition』。
つい先頃 待望の第2号が発売された茜新社さん刊『コミックsaseco』創刊号に掲載された同名のコミックを早々過ぎるホド早々にアニメ化させて頂きました!

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1 of my favourite characters ever singing (Departure) , so cute💕

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Actually close to tears making this 😂 remembering this 💕💕

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