There are two weeks left to submit your entries to the contest. You could win $3000 and more. Apply now! Deadline: January 31

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A preview of one of the plates of my in-prep book “Journey To The Mesozoic vol. I”. This is a plate of the Middle Sakamena Formation of Madagascar (Early Triassic) and a closer view to the procolophonid parareptile Lasasaurus

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A clever new 3D-printed 'sponge' could be used to soak up excess drugs, potentially reducing harmful side effects of the treatment

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Madge Evers makes gorgeous art out of mushroom spores! Feast your eyes on some of these stunning fungal forms:

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Gene regulation - kiiiind of a big deal.

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Happy Here's a Red Spikefish, as part of the Triacanthodidae theme. Done on Adobe Photoshop. ~2hrs.

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Four of the illustrations of native Iowa species for the new children's exhibit at the . They will be printed to scale so children can compare their arm span to the wingspan of local birds!

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Enjoyed drawing this past week and covered most of my favourite including and Looking forward to the tomorrow 🙂

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So many great guesses! This week’s answer is the belly of a caterpillar, and specifically a Fig Sphinx Moth (Pachylia ficus) caterpillar in . Check back Wednesday for my next challenge!

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I’m Amy, I’m a PhD candidate in functional morphology and I draw pretty much everything but am aiming towards and 🦎🔬

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So the publisher has given me permission to show you this almost finished illustration of a young Sinosauropteryx trying to catch a dragonfly for a children’s book that I was commissioned to illustrate. I am quite pleased with this one!

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I am Alder, and I like invertebrates, extant or not! 🦋 

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Platelets do not have the luxury of personal space.

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I don't do resolutions, but I'd like to do more in 2019, so for the first of the year, I'm kicking off a blog on my personal website: talking about...#temnospondyls! Temnospondyls are cool! They deserve more attention! (1/2)

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Itsy bitsy teeny weeny DNA scissors!

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from everything that swims, flaps, scuttles and snaps in America’s waterways! Learn more about the living trust resources works hard to protect here on our blog:

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