Being a bird has been tough, and now this happens. I've turned into a Twerkey! I'm no longer the dominant personality controlling the body and am stuck on the rear! What have I gotten myself into?

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrates it! Have a great one!

14 59

she's either gonna twerk or something more "Special"

belongs to

44 283

-charge they phone
-eat hot chip and lie
-twerk and be bisexual

-loves you
-unlimited bath water
-will run and chase ball for food

23 132

Ey yo xD warum hast du nicht erwähnt dass du dieses Kunstwerk in Pokémon gemacht hast :P hast es doch sogar signiert

1 185

OOOOOO artwerknya my cup of tea!
ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ Masuk list bacaan! ✅

0 0

Look i'm making jokes and all and will fully admit that pony life /could/ be ok, but it's making a terrible first impression

BUT I will say the moment I see Rainbow or Pinkie in official stuff twerking or doing fortnite dances I want a handwritten apology mailed to my house

34 350

Janet just wants to dance
But she better be careful, she's liable to bring the house down with those wrecking balls of a buttocks she's twerking about.

Drew this up for BasedAndrew Of their mouse girl just grooving to a beat. 🎶

99 622

Whose hungry for some Twerky?
i mean

72 539

《特典・訂正》11/15発売のSTEVE HAUSCHILDT “Nonlin” [国内流通盤CD]
11/22発売のGALCHER LUSTWERK “Information” [日本のみのCD]

3 6

he later went to jail for his fruit crimes.

FINALLY DONE. i was 4 days overdue & i end it with a goddamn twerking skeleton?? COOL COOL LOVE IT GREAT JOB @ ME


2 10

Kennst du schon unsere Facebook Gruppe? Hier kannst du dich mit fast 10000 Künstlerinnen und Künstlern über Kunst & Kunstwerke austauschen! Jetzt entdecken:

0 1

Halli hallo hallöchen. Hier ein wunder tolles super duper kunstwerk. :3

4 48

Jo guten Abend leute. Hier ein Kunstwerk. xD

1 61

Kunstdagen en winnaar kunstwerk 25 jaar Kroonpassage -

5 13

Has anything Nintendo's done been more cursed than Twerkey

0 0


The great dragon wave, with some inspiration from the Predator for the mouth.

Made with iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, & Procreate app.

0 1