『三日月と流れ星』祝重版出来!!(言ってみたかった)ということで2巻の描きおろしからチラリ!1巻に収録された『ベイビィ★LOVE -10years after-』のおまけ編です!せあらのウエディングドレス姿を見た柊ちゃんの反応は!?

17 39


10Years later. still think he is the most badass.

0 2


10Years later. still think he is the most badass.

0 1

Miley Cyrus was like my first idol I will always respect & admire her. She was my everything

125 157


0 2

when criminal scum violates the law just right

0 0

It's a double- kind of day today! Check out our spots for --

0 5

Happy 10 yrs to our publisher , gr8 supporter indie comics! https://t.co/VlfIjbs6bO

4 10

Looks like is trending on some feeds! Thanks for the love and support!

10 18

SAVE 25% w/ code "10YEARS"
FREE tote bag w/ $25+ orders
FREE random book w/ $50+ orders

10 14

10周年おめでとうございます🎉💙 好きになって本当によかった;;;大好きだ〜〜〜〜;;💙💙💙

4 7