me: please dont do it
my brain: SHEN JIU

330 1018

Me: Kk time for bed-
My brain: Leon from Pokemon and floral print beanie babies-

0 1

Me: I should draw more SU characters
My brain: No, draw spinel for the hundreth time this week3you fool

7 43

Inosuke: Yeah, I'm LGBT.
Inosuke's brain:

2 0

my brain: Lucibelle
me: 🥰😱😍

23 110

me: has things i NEED to draw
my stupid brain: draw trackpad leon

1 4

“Hey Jillian how’s the end of the semester”
Brain: what if nine thousand tiny dots

4 25

me: *is transmasc and has mostly male transition goals*
The dragon prince: *Has General Amaya*

1 5

Drawlender day 16

After visiting the art shop, i saw a sign block with black paper.

My brain:
"Uuuuuhhh try this!"

I must say it's interesting to work with it. But i must really train the color layering on these. 😅
look accidentally a bit like 😋

0 5

Me: *draws patience*
My brain: s e r a t o n i n t i m e :)

1 5

me: man i sure do like the character design in the music video for 's "Princess", perhaps i will draw that

unga bunga caveman brain: stupid sexy or i hate you

[original design - ]

15 54

Me: (hates drawing hands)

My brain: 2 Characters with 4 arms!

Meet the weather gods Gonra & Shinra 🙈

4 35

How playing the drums changes the brain: Many years of playing the instrument leave clear traces 🥁💪 ➡️  | by via (photo )

11 35

brain: leaks out of my ears cuz its nearly Five Am Eastern Standard Time

anyways, pretty wild that i used zero ref for this, huh.

7 20

Me: I wish to sleep and maybe write up some stuff for Brett and Chris to look over later.
Brain: The main villain tho.

1 2

my monster-loving brain: the aranasi are so sexy....
the aranasi from world of warcraft:

0 4

Teacher: What are you laughing about?
Me: Nothing
My brain:

0 10

my brain: go to BED u have to wake up in like 6 hrs
me: im doing this for the gays...

0 7