Just a sneak-peek on the coloring for Tower of Heaven Boxer Millianna.

The coloring is heavily inspired by Gaston18 & Claudia-Dragneel.

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Who is this girl? She looks a bit familliar....

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"Corrin-boy, its no use resisting, your mind's an open book!" Camilla from Fire Emblem as Maximillian Pegasus from Yugioh

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I know the Tarott Monster TCG isn't supposed to be a priority but I couldn't resist working on it today. Here's the first mockup of Salamander, Maximillian's third favorite card!

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Day 5 (11/?) Let's Rock, from Guilty Gear here's Dizzy, Ephelt, Jam and Millia

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[thread] t'aime les theories? Moi aussi. Et celle là particulièrement:

¦¦ Les univers parallèles ¦¦

Et si il en existait des milliards ?
Imagine que chaque humain soit dans son propre Univers Parallèle. Ça pourrait expliquer pas mal de truc

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Un trou de ver ça serait un raccourci entre 2 endroit dans l'univers. Si ça c'est pas malade. On pourrait se rendre dans d'autre galaxies à des milliards d'année lumières en seulement quelques année.

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good morning I'm having an heartache because I love millia too much

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Millia Rage from Guilty Gear ♡
This game is so pretty I wish I was good at it lol

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Here’s some nice character detail that got lost in compression. Elliot is a wizard, unfamilliar to the Witches’ Woods. Andrew is a demon boy who knows it like the back of his claws :D

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Good Morning! Page 174 of Tamberlane is up for everyone to read! This is the giant cameo page you've all been waiting for!! https://t.co/roF7t5RSiZ Maybe you'll see some familliar faces!

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„Finanzierungslücke des Bundes bei 25 Milliarden Euro:
Sparvorstoß von Finanzminister Scholz“

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Happy to announce next Monday will be "Millianna Week!" Which is going to be complete redraws of my boxer Milliannas' including the Tower of Heaven and Grand Magic Games version, along with a new Alvarez Empire Arc Millianna. Feelin' Spiffy!!!

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Uh, yes, I exist
I don't have much to say, I hope you enjoy looking at my art as much as I enjoy making it

Millia belongs to Yariioku on Amino

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The next nation of Esterash, Lunia. Largely a rough land with poor soil the wealth of Lunia is focused in the capital. The main income is by taxing the rich traders coming and going to the western lands and the business they support.


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