New Tsukimonogatari poster in Newtype Magazine with pretty much everyone. I left some out~

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【雑誌掲載情報】本日発売、Newtype2月号!!アンジュ・サラ・ジル、それぞれの想いが滲み出ていますね♪是非、書店へ!!! (宣伝しょう)

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More Yuri Kuma Arashi in Newtype Magazine, pretty standard poses though

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【雑誌掲載情報】本日発売のNewtype1月号の、アンジュとヒルダの見開きイラスト!!彼女たちの行く末が気になる一枚ですね♪是非、書店へ!!! (宣伝しょう)

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WebNewtype- 11.27、28:川澄綾子・植田佳奈サイン入りポスターも景品に! PS Vita「Fate/hollow ataraxia」発売記念抽選会開催

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Cute extra looks for Yuuki's character design in Sword Art Online II included in Newtype

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The official art of in the 8/1992 issue of Newtype.

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spread in Newtype Magazine 12 2014, illustrated by Kyota Washikita under Kazuaki Morita's supervision 😶

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New official art for Studio Trigger's Inou Battle in Newtype (by Kengo Saito) & Animedia magazines this month

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11月10日発売!全22ページの総力特集ですので、劇場上映の前に是非!Newtype (ニュータイプ) 2014年 12月号 [雑誌]

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今週末11月1日(土)に開催の「マチ★アソビ」×Newtype アニメアワード凱旋上映祭では「キルラキル」「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」の上映とゲストトークや豪華プレゼントの抽選会を実施!

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Blue Steel character designer Kazuaki Morita (森田和明) won 3rd place for the designs at the Newtype Anime Awards.

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Hitsugi No dakimakura illustrations, previewed in the Newtype Prize section.

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Violent (東京ESP) beauties in Newtype as well…

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And two Persona4 the Golden Animation posters; one in Newtype, the other in Animedia

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~Again! Anime character designs for Denkigai no Honya-san previewed in Newtype by Yurie Kuniyuki

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Pic of the day: Yun Kouga x Five Star Stories. This was drawn for a Newtype issue celebrating its 25th anniversary

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本日発売のNewtype5月号には「劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編]叛逆の物語」の新規イラストが掲載!是非お手にとってご覧ください!詳しくはこちら

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