Nother one. (NSFW!) 's Tika. Ended up havin partial nudity cause it was too much effort to try and censor this outfit. Shrug!

60 317

They're uneven but *le shrug*

1 34

just a few random tickling doodles with my fave guys from Punch-Out!! that I'll probably never finish *shrug

17 76

[Doodle] Since he's a barbarian, he gets into a lot of fights. Seems like he can shrug most of it off.
Playing around with simpler styles ~

127 679

the fourth picture is just my favorite panel from my entire webcomic bc it is a big mood LOL
Looking at it I think I like most of these photos bc for some odd reason I like tears or something idk /shrug

1 6

went in and made it look like she's shrugging the left shoulder more (her right), looks a bit better now

0 1


added 6 more emotes for the tier1 subs!

pattiiHug; pattiiHypers; pattiiLurk;
pattiiShrug; pattiiSlap; pattiiSleep;

hope you enjoy them! ❤

and thanks again to for making them! go check her out if you havent already! 😊

3 122

3P Erotica
by Hakoishi Tammy

Boy asks crush out, friend2 overhears and asks crush out too. Crush shrugs and says yes to both for 3P relationship. I thought it was unique to see seme pov but then (good) things happened and friend2 who secretly liked boy1 takes his shojo too. 😍👍

2 20

i wanted to draw a human guppy but i didnt know what to draw him doing /shrug

2 6

stupidity # 1

...the first one is Dir en grey's Kyo with a triangel because..... *very slow & scared shrug* ????
2nd: :)
3rd: ....Kyo under a cupboard hissing..... ????????
4th: Reita from the GazettE with... Kai kittens....................................... uh

1 3

I guess I'm gonna be using this one more than I intended at first place *shrugs*
- - -
ESP: Me parece que esta la voy a andar usando más de lo que pretendía en un principio *se encoge de hombros* (ah re)

13 28

Inspiration and this:
are completely different things.

It actually sucks too, because the first helmet is the one I currently use, and I don't want to use it anymore. /shrug

0 2

"Consumed by Darkness"

Little start of a vent piece. Might finish, might save and put in my folder of endless WiPs. *shrug*

1 2

this'll stay like this 'til I figure out what I really wanna do with it soooo
wip for now -shrug-

it's also the full view of my icon so there's that

190 872