she stepped from her tree to confront the strangers. What are you doing in my woods she demanded of them her tone soft and regal her expression neutral as she took in the sight of the adventurers her eyes hardening at the sight of the large axe

1 17

Wake up sleepy heads, some of us have been up since dawn, said our devotions and had breakfast, she called to her companions most of whom were not only still abed but still asleep!

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holding Monday at bay like...

9 44

its getting let on a Sunday night and Monday launches a surprise attack intent on ruining your week before it has even started!


1 15

Sunday - the beast crouches there a low snarl coming from its throat as its regarded the heroes who had dared intrude in his lair. Welcome adventurers, welcome to your death it growled as unseen the shadow creatures that served him moved in. No grand speech, no..

5 21

Sunday - in a land where a devil was the state religion and the power behind the throne it was only prudent to dress the part thought Nithre. As the elf ambassador to the region she had to, at least outwardly respect their choices and culture. Inwardly was a...

10 30

sunday - she walked the battlefield with her pets looking for survivors to torment and whose souls she could claim. Oh look boys I think we have a holy knight just waiting to play she giggles with an evil delight as she catches sight of the Paladin propped up

5 29

Sunday - the Demon Ball was far from the dark event the name suggested but a celebration of the time the elves had thrown off the shackles of the demons who had conquered them to regain their freedom and their homes. Members of royalty were expected to dress as

2 16

Sunday - she looked up at the heavens knowing that those who had betrayed her and left her for dead were looking down on her. "I'm coming for you sisters," she whispered as the spirits of the dead circled her and then shot in to her body rather than their prime

7 40

and there was no music other than the bells she wore but her movements & grace seemed to create a tune in the mind of the nobleman and those watching with him. She swayed and danced in total silence and it was total silence as all watching had stopped

8 27

she sat on the old haunted tree and looked out in to the darkness that surrounded her village. Thanks to the divine her strength of faith and magic had been enough to remove the creature that had made the old tree haunted & now she looked out for the

6 21

Sunday Age did not matter when your very home, your very existence was under threat! Despite her tender years. Cold'ori had raided the stores once the adults had left and gathered up what weapons and armour she could find and caught up with the trail end of the

10 49

Sundayhe looked back at his fellows and gripped his War Axe. Whatever traps, monsters and other evils call this place home we must vanquish if we are to restore our former domain and reclaim the halls of our ancestors he growled his voice raw with emotion

4 16

Sunday - he gave the signal to let the advance guards know it was friend not foe approaching the first check post on the approach to the city. Above them the Dragons were already in the air this was a war not just for them but all races as all were food in the

6 13

this was one of her favourite spots, the view was not just awe inspiringly beautiful but it also gave one a sense of perspective of theri place in nature and the universe in general. Water was the source of life and the convergence here had

1 19

Her own safety was of little concern, all that mattered was ensuring that the blade did not fall in to the hands of Gallard and his men. The Spirit of the Green would protect it she knew as she used her connection to nature to reach out to it and

4 18

she had limited time before the creatures of the blight arrived and rather than prepare her own defence her first thought was to see to the protection of the trees and the forest around her. If they became infected whether she lived or not

4 33

the necromancer was finally revealled and the horror of her was not as much as the horror of the realisation of who she was! My own sister!! Aribella how could it be you, how could you be this, this vile creature I gasped. Who said I am the vile

4 22

I'm ready she said breathlessly as she returned to the room. She looked anything but with bolts falling to the floor from over stuffed quivers, two one shot weapons when she would only be able to load one weapon at a time and no blade for when the...

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