Have a wallpaper/lockscreen picture, everypony! Happy

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Good morning, everypony! Have an adorable pic of Lyra to start the day~ :3

3 5

I'm really sorry for today, everypony... But goodnight~ Have your daily dose of Luna. :3

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Have a Roseluck, everypony! :3 Sorry I was gone for so long....

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Happy everypony! Here's a picture of Fluttershy to start your day :D

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Good morning, everypony! How are all of you today? c:

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Hi everypony, I hope you're all having a great Have some Fluttershy :D

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I can't load certain pictures from my phone, so.... yeah. Bear with me, everypony. c:

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Have a Happy everypony! Have a DJ Fluttershy pic.

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Good morning, every ! :3 How is everypony today?

3 6

Happy everypony! "Keep Calm and Flutter On" tomorrow, I'm so excited!!! :D

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Okay, everypony! So I managed to hit the 300 follower mark! >:D I'm so happy~ :D

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Okie, goodnight everypony! Only 2 more to 300, you guys rock! Have a Rarity. Luna bless you all. xx

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Please everypony? Shoutouts, retweets, anything. I've never been so desperate... Have a Pinkie Spy. love you all. xx

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Hey everypony! How has your day gone? ^^

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Indeed. :) Everypony is best in Mane 6. :D <3

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Happy everypony! Show some love! <3

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Happy everypony! Pic, once again, sent by . He's awesome, go follow him, you'll get a muffin

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86 beautiful, beautiful followers. :D Thank you, everypony, it means the world to me. :D

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'Tonight at the Galaaaaa~~~' Humanized Mane 6 at the Gala, everypony! ^^

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