Sometimes inspiration strikes at the weirdest times... This time it hit while waiting in a courthouse for juror selection. :p

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got the idea for the weirdest tiefling design last night
This is Dust~

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you know what the weirdest criticism i get on my art is? “you made the nose too big”. it’s happened on this drawing of eirika and diane, and it’s ALWAYS men who say so....what do you want, dude? did i have to be the one to break the news that women don’t always have button noses?

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The weirdest nurse I’ve ever encountered...

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i doodled cruise shenanigans with human conductor+grandkids and then (???) snatcher bc when ur purple and tall of course the kids are gonna target the weirdest looking passenger on the cruise

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I have this possibly weirdest photo of Moritz and I decided to trace it and sketch him hairless real quick so you're welcome.

it looks like wikihow art they should hire me.

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this is the weirdest tweet to blow up graphic design is my passion follow me

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This is my Vehicle Design final where I had to create 3 vehicles of any kind. So I went with the weirdest idea I could think of. I’ll post my other sources (refs, explanations) in the thread below

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9. getting back on this train! i think xon might be my weirdest just cause idk what i want them to be yet?? they started as a monk and a mute but now i’m like... idk. i love them but i have no idea what their deal is

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9. weirdest oc? hh i have a lot of strange oc's......i'm gonna choose Argus though because he was one of my first weird ones. powerful horse with saw blade face (very old art, haven't drawn this boye in a while)

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And here’s some more old ones (2009-14) of me tackling some of the weirdest

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the weirdest combination of class, subclass, race, stats, look, EVERYTHING.
is ... Rosso, the gunslinger half-giant!!!!

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09. Weirdest OC?
I have many weird OCs, but my strangest one would probably be Szane, the ringmaster

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"What's the weirdest collab you've done?"
probably the one where made me do a nood shoot for her Canada video

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9) weirdest oc
i dunno all of my ocs r kinda out there. uhm. shes a worm on a string is that weird

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9. Weirdest is probably Horseman

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Tohru finds some of the weirdest things in Kobi's closet while cleaning. I think she likes this one. A pic for and thanks to for help with the little story snippet.

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Weirdest OC - In terms of physically, Lissie. In terms of personality, or life in general, Lore.

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9. My weirdest OC? Her (Denice)

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09. Weirdest OC? - tbh they're all pretty weird.
Have you seen these angels? They're pretty weird. Created from all the calcified sin extracted from the human soul...
Some of them never get clean.

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