Jean wants some Coffee ☕️
Help me keep the show on by buying a coffee, or spreading the voice up. 😁
Here’s the link!

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Sleepover or not, Pam will always try to know about Jean and her job.

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Jean loves her swimsuit, even when she barely uses it (she prefers the city).

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Fact: Most demons are capable of trick you.
Another fact: Calimpso can be easily tricked by anyone.

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Jean 👠
Just giving her best, even when she's a little lazy. 😏

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Backstage: Exhausted 😴
Kathy surely have something with Jean's fatigue, but Pam will take the opportunity to know about the "taller life". 🙂

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Charlotte is always full of energy. Most of the time she's either jumping or dancing, even with heels!

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Jean's main problem usually comes where her plans are turned upside down.

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Challenge, Jean Version 🎩
Joining the challange, again. This time, it's Jean's best faces. 😉

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Nellie, the mind behind the cabaret shows, and with a really bad temper.

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Calimpso's Mischievous Show 2 👠
Our cutest imp is ready to entice your hearts. 😈

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