For more fun, here are some neat circles in squares made with the app for Android. I love the and overlapping colors.

4 6

Here we are again friends. I've not been very well this week with a bug. Not much energy or enthusiasm. I just have a few new patterns from an old photo.

9 25

Back later to check the # - I may try to post to my Mastodon page later if I get the chance too! 🙃

2 10

Morning I don't have many for you again this week I'm afraid. Posting them all now and will be back later to check out everyone else's.

2 10

Back with a few more Feeling tired but happy after managing to tidy our garden up a bit this afternoon 🙂

2 14

Hi Just a few "quickies" from me again this week. I'll pop in and out to post when I can. Busy day!

1 11

My last one this I'll be back this evening to check out/RT everyone else's 🙃

5 14

Ah, I've found some nicer ones for These are some I'm going to use to create tiled patterns for my shop. 🙂

2 11

Hi Not got many for you this week - rough week health-wise again (for me and one of our cats). Here's one for starters - I'll see how many more I've got that are worth showing...

1 16

Signing off early today as I'm going out this evening. Will check in and RT when I can. Thanks everyone for taking part. See you next

5 23

And my last this week - 4/4 for
Back later to look at everyone else's 🙃

2 13

Hi I'm a bit late today as we had an unexpected trip to the vets. Nothing serious - just couldn't get her pill down her ourselves! 😺 OK, here's 1/4 for today - quick ones made with KaleidoscopePainter...

4 17

Take a moment to fix your posture and release the tension in your body. Some kaleidoscopes for

3 10