sure hope so meow & here is my OG clone.. allies to the culture cats too. genesis mint is almost over. grab one while you can. mint link in bio. here is a Prima. shes a non gen1 cat.

0 1

My first Caturday as an og cat owner!!! I’m so fired up!!! 😆😆😆 Thank you for the seamless negotiation, you’re a real one my friend 🤝

18 69

Today I became a Full Set and Full Trilogy Set holder with a dog that I specifically wanted for what I hoped the D2 clone would yield. I'm happy.

31 121

Happy Caterday .

It's been a minute since I followed my gang

Throw a gang gang in the comments if you wish me to follow you .

1 10

Back in the Kitty Cat Gang. Welcome Yellow on Yellow Orange Donny to the stand!

5 26

Juiced my D1 Dog for the trilogy set LFG🧬🧪

D2 Gutter Dog Clone 🐶🧬

6 21

I feel better about feb now… cloned me cat finally feels better than touching grass… 🖤

10 53

Did you know you can download banners, cut outs and wallpaper of your assets on the site? 🤙

10 31

Happy Caturday to all who celebrate. First one for me as a Cat holder!

8 82

OMG I just trilogeeeeeeeed 🍾#ganggang

8 28