Day 38 - “Jurassic Park (1993) is the movie that got me into filmmaking.

When I was a kid, the first thing I did when I came back from school was to play movie on my DVD player, sit in front of the TV and draw.

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Day 37 - “Does anyone here maintain something like a journal?

If so what’s your answer to the question?

For me - It’s my ‘Special Project’ and one other personal thing i need to sort”

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Day 36 - “I’ve always believed that I was bad at math.

But recently, I’ve realised that I’m not bad at math and it’s only a story that that I’ve been telling myself.

And the stories we tell ourselves are one of the biggest influencers of our lives”

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Day 35 - “My mom is a classical Bharathanatyam Dancer. And ever since I was a wee little kid, that’s what I watched her do.

Dance. And boy is she passionate about it.

She just turned 52 this June 5th and I couldn’t think of drawing a person who’s better suited for this prompt”

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Day 31 - “This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain…….Jack Sparrow”



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Day 30 - A proud consumer of VEG Biriyani ;)

If I hear why “biriyani is not biriyani without meat” one more time, I’m gonna take that piece of chicken and shove it deep in your 😛


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Day 29 - Whenever I go for a walk in the morning, this cute white dog starts following me till I reach my house.

Eventually, he became a regular visitor when we started to feed him daily and now.

We even named him “Kaala”

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Day 28 - One thing I’ve been desperately working on for the past few weeks? Sleeping Early.

I can attribute 80% my current problems to that. Yet, I don’t do it.

🛌Gonna get to bed on time moving forward. That is by 11pm max.

Prompt - Dawn

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Day 26 - 🚗 Driving, alone in the middle of the night, with no end in mind is absolutely one of favourite things to do.

That’s my meditation.🧘‍♂️

Prompt - “spaced out”

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Day 19 - “Lover”

What do you think about this piece?

This piece tbh feels a tad ‘meh’ to me. I wanted to add this to the calendar project, but nope. Gonna do a different version and better.


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‘Wanda & Wong’ - that’s quite the combo if you ask me.

Scratching off the “parachute” prompt while I work on a cool illustration(hopefully)

Day 17 of ingofficial

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“Kit Kat”

Another quick one today (34m). It was the weekend, so I prioritised rest over drawing.

Focusing on QUANTITY > QUALITY at the starting parts of your practice years is good.

Day 8 of ingofficial


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“The real Candy Beast”

Day 7 of ingofficial

It’s day 7 and the initial high of a new project is wearing off. This is the part where I need to start focusing on the actual ‘purpose’ of this challenge, which is progress.


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Ok, tired of Instagram. Gonna start(try) being more active on Twitter.

No more of reposting my insta posts here.

So, here's an illustration I did today to start things off

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