E: I seem to smell a special sort of scent?
MC: Recently, it’s the season to use mushrooms in food, so I also bought some home.
MC: But it’s my first time making them, so I don’t know what it’ll taste like.
E: I always have confidence towards your cooking.

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MC: I want to know.

> Jesse suddenly turned his head and laid an extremely light kiss on my cheek.

J: Nothing’s different.
J: No matter what lights you’re under, you always make my heart race 100%.

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J: You’re suddenly so serious I’m a bit embarrassed.
MC: In one moment you say I’m perfunctory and in another you say I’m serious. Little Tangyuan, you’re really hard to please.

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login messages and UGH no honestly why does evan always get the best ones LOL

“Tonight the moon will hear many people’s affections, but I want my affections to be heard only by you.”

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(Early) Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 🤗 the event is actually doing prep for pre-mid-autumn festival LOL so it makes sense shhhh

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> In the next second, the silver-eared mesia flew into the sky. I vaguely saw a beautiful and bright yellow figure appear at its side but, after a blink, I couldn’t see anything.

> Perhaps this time, our choice was right.

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> Charlie froze and upon seeing that I stuck the sticker to a strange place was so angry his voice changed.

HAHAHA truly his personal route + experiencing ch10 together made them understand each other better

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> Everything happened too fast for someone to react, Charlie shook his arm and hawk borrowed his strength to lift off and fly into the blue sky of its dreams—

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> And his hand, at some point in time, was already placed on the hawk’s shackles.

> I realized what he was about to do and widened my eyes in shock.

> Right then, he gave out an astonishing whistle and the hawk spread open its enormous wings in response!

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> Their postures were proud and upright, like natural predators. That lustre of their aggression in their eyes seemed as if they wouldn’t be discouraged by any suffering.

> Suddenly, Charlie looked at me through the lens and curved his lips meaningfully.

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> A gust of wind raised the hem of Charlie’s clothes and his hair, and it also seemed to let the hawk gather itself together again.

> Under the deep blue sky, Charlie and the hawk on his arm gave off a similar wild beauty.

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also i cannot stop laughing because he’s so against ruining his hair in this date and then later on… 🤣🤣🤣 what love does to a man

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> Under the surprised eyes and sighs of the crowd, he handed over that large bouquet in the crook of his arm to me…

C: Take it.

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【生而有翼】 Born With Wings. i wasn’t sure how much i’d have to talk about because this is such an old date but omg it’s good!! also the 2nd CG is one of my favourites for charlie + look at MC’s clothes wow

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> Evan’s gaze drifted to the windowsill and stopped on a quiet corner.

E: My guess is that you wish to place a multi-functional shelf here, yes?
MC: Correct! No matter how you think about it, having a large bookshelf is a great thing.

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> Osborn looked at the screwdriver in his hand with amusement and then raised his head to look at me.

O: Leave assembling the couch to me then.


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O: I’m not interested in stealing techniques, although the person… I could consider it.

> Seeing that Osborn was still going to continue on, I hurriedly shoved a screwdriver into his hand.

MC: There’s no time to lose, let’s start right now!

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> Each word was enunciated clearly and solemnly.

S: … Death and life rotates, in the end we will meet again.

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> I couldn’t bear to close my eyes and he didn’t either. At the same time we confirmed our figures in each other’s eyes, I heard his voice.

S: The heavens are boundless, the universe endless.
S: The sun rises immortal, the night sea never rests.

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> My fingers stroked the strands of hair behind his ears when, suddenly, a hand gently landed on my wrist.

S: What are you randomly touching?

> Sariel opened his eyes, but he simply looked at me and didn’t remove my hand.

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