Collaboration work with . sketch from (P1), and coloring by me (P3), then Kraionis add some FX (P1). That's my pleasure to do ironstrange collaboration fanart with Kraionis!<(ToT)> Really pretty awesome sketch!

148 417

I want to draw this thing after I saw the movie lately😂

202 465

Finally finished my Ironstrange comic book, paster and keychain😆🙀

46 135

又开学啦,这次是奇异虫铁一家三口。 Wish you have a good new quarter!

109 285

复联3常服奇异铁 You And I against the world and everything it comes with!

214 454

-Doctor offline. 这次的离线梗脑洞扩散于sora太太的条漫​超可爱!! 表白sora太太!!

450 874

Cloak: You two do not quarrel, please? 喵喵奇异铁小动画 (gif 718 k)

322 624


89 128

Doctor对Tony的♡。Give you my love. (loop gif 149k)

380 717