210121 Fanart inspired by 's photos

Yixing with flowers is truly inspiring!

cr. P1: 黑猫丈人
P2: 白日宣莲
P4: 席卷全球的YixingMusic

135 301

210109 Fanart inspired by Yixing's CK ads cr. 今天也是放飞自我的蕾酱

Yeah bring it on🙈🙈🙈😜

60 153

201112 Suning Live streaming Yixing related 2p

Yixing: What time is it now?😏😏😏
(oh, it's hard to take it)

46 108

201101 Converse M ALL STARS Yixing related
-Who am I !?
-Where am I !?
-What am I doing !?
cr. weibo Direc-Tor

24 63