아아에 진심인 삼돌오빠22ㅋㅋㅋ😆

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요즘 코트 입은 삼돌오빠 사진 자주 보이길래 제 취향대로 그려본...🥺

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삼돌오빠 덕분에 올해 여름은 좋은 기억으로 남을 것 같아.
이번 앨범도 잘 됐으면 좋겠네 너무 기대된다!

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이번 여름은 삼돌오빠로 버틴다...

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サンドゥルさん 27日にデジタルシングルリリース🎶嬉しい~

ひとつ一つが愛しい( *´艸`)

クイズ? 全く分かりませんw

행복하자 ❤BANA

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Sakura: a symbol of spring, a time of renewal

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Forget Me Not: a symbol of a faithful love and memories

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Camellia: a symbol of love, affection and admiration

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Of all his outfits during the musical i really like this one but there’s barely any good picture so i had to make up the details on the fabric I’m so sorry ;—;

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I can't believe it's already the end of my trip, it feels like I had just arrived yesterday and school starts tomorrow already ;-; I don't know when I can ever see him again; there's a high chance it may be years from now,,,

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I cannot express how proud I'm being a BANA watching Sandeul grow as a singer and an artist that I adore🌻

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a fansign outfit that i really love~

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[2020 Sandeul Calendar Project]
I’m starting this really late, but I’m planning on drawing a calendar hehe hope i can finish it on time
And this is an almost finished JANUARY Samdol in the outfit of 날씨좋은날 showcase 🌺

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